Two recently discovered 19th-century maps show Welkait as part of Tigray.
Western Tigray is significant not only due to the multiple war crimes committed there since November 2020, but also because the Amhara region claims it as historical Amhara land and has unconstitutionally annexed it.
According to the Ethiopian constitution, regional borders are based on ethno-linguistic settlement patterns, not historical administrative arrangements. Accordingly, western Tigray became part of Tigray as there was a predominance of native Tigrigna-speaking residents.
However, many Amhara nationalists have been using the supposed historical ownership of Amhara over these areas as a justification for the annexation. Although this “historical ownership” argument is irrelevant to the current federal arrangement, closer scrutiny of such claims coming from Amhara irredentists is needed.
After all, Amhara irredentism has been one of the drivers of the war on Tigray and taking away this fertile area from Tigray appears to have been part of the strategy to subjugate the region.
As evidence, one Ethiopian regime supporter proudly stated in July 2021: “Let them go! The defeated Great Tigray had to abandon the fertile regions it had stolen from the Amharas in the 1990s, and had to retreat to its arid heimat… Tigray has no more modern agriculture and industry, the infrastructure is destroyed.”
In a fascinating presentation on 13 April at the Berlin-based Scientific Working Group Horn of Africa, Professor Wolbert Smidt showed for the first time extracts of a map that contradicts the Gondarine narrative of the history of Western Tigray.
In a later detailed search, we uncovered several maps from the mid-19th Century in which Western Tigray is clearly mapped as part of the then confederate-like arrangement of Tigray.
The goal here isn’t to adjudicate the territorial claim based on specific maps, but rather to demonstrate that C.F. Weiland’s (1841) and F.H. Handtke’s (1849) maps fit in a wide array of historical maps and records which jointly reveal that territorial organization has varied tremendously over time.
In other words, the Amhara nationalist narrative of ancestral ownership over Western Tigray is out of touch with the historical record. Regardless, rather than being based on debates over historical ownership, territorial disputes should reflect current realities.
Handtke’s map
Given its greater detail, I have chosen to focus on Handtke’s map (1849), which was prepared by a German atlas-printing house in the mid-19th century.
Handtke’s map is 39 cm wide and 66 cm tall, and is printed on paper that has been bonded to fabric. The scale is approximately 1:5,600,000; relief is shown by short lines representing slope aspect and a general sense of steepness (hachures).
The map, based on early and mid-19th century diplomatic and other sources, has been produced by lithographic printing, with manual outline coloring, as was done for many maps prepared at that time.
The work was created in one of the few stronger cartographic publishing houses in 19th century Germany, managed by Carl Flemming (1806-1878). Flemming was aided by cartographer Friedrich Handtke (1815-1879), who worked on nearly every map assignment for the firm.
Northeast Africa in 1849
The map shows that the geography of the Red Sea Coast, Egypt, and “Nubia” was fairly well known, as well as that of the northern and central Ethiopian highlands. These were mapped in relative detail for “Tigre”, “Amhara”, and to the south with fuzzy boundaries for “Schoa”, as the mapmakers referred to these areas.
Due to inaccessibility, the physical geography of the otherwise well mapped northern highlands holds one major mistake: the Areqwa River, which flows directly to the Tekeze River, was erroneously mapped as running parallel to Tekeze and intercepting other affluents or tributaries such as the Giba and Weri’i Rivers (Fig. 1).
Further south, “Enarea”, “Dschimma”, and “Kaffa” are positioned with few details. A generic name “Habesch” is written diagonally across the highlands.
Maps of Northeastern Africa from the 19th century provide a lot of information about toponyms—which include place names, regional names, and the territorial extent of groups—as well as local ideas of boundaries and routes, overlapping political claims, and ethnic conflicts and interactions.
In other words, they weren’t only the work of visiting cartographers and scholars; they were the outcome of interaction with seasoned local partners who were experts in territorial knowledge and socio-political practices.

Fig. 1. “Habesh” as it was mapped by Handtke.
On Handtke’s map, Ras Ali’s “Amhara” corresponded largely to the current Amhara region, yet with Wollo as a separate entity. The territorial organization of “Tigre” included the Eritrean highlands (“Baharnagasch”) and the current Tigray region, comprising “Walkayt” and “Waldubba” in the west (Fig. 1).
This must not be seen as a unified “country”. Rather, the “Tigre” territory denoted a confederate-style structure of largely independent provinces and princedoms within an alliance that were pacified by Dejazmatch Wubie. The intermediate rivers that were impassable during the rainy season contributed to the sovereignty of the provinces within the larger structure.
By 1849, well before the scramble for Africa, Eritrea had not yet come into existence as a separate territory and so does not appear on Handtke’s (1849) map. On that map, the lowlands at the west of “Habesh” were also poorly defined, with the occurrence of names like “Schangalla”, “Kolla Mazaga”, or “Dar El Berta”.
Current disputes
Before Weiland and Handtke, Rigobert Bonne had already mapped less precise outlines of a confederate “Tigré”.
These maps are some of several historical maps that were omitted in Achamyeleh Tamiru’s review that was written to justify Amhara nationalists’ claims on Welkait. The references to “Wälqayt in Tegré” by Richard Pankhurst (1990) were also omitted.
These maps demonstrate how the argument that Welkait always belonged to provinces like Begemdir comprising Amharic-speakers that now make up the Amhara region is not based on evidence, apart from a territorial reorganization in the early and mid-twentieth century.
Indeed, the Abyssinian emperors Menelik II and Haile Selassie I divided the country into provinces, replacing territories that were formerly governed semi-autonomously.
As colonial powers did elsewhere, Haile Selassie cut into these existing territories and used this territorial reorganization as a way to reward his allies. The resulting provinces were constructed along with the strength of local powers, regardless of ethnic composition.

Fig. 2. Map of languages of Ethiopia by Trimingham, republished by Westphal, with zoom on the languages of northern Ethiopia. Derogatory xenonyms that were used for some ethnic groups are not removed.
In contrast, contemporary Tigray’s legitimacy stems from the current federal structure that was brought about by the 1995 constitution. When the boundaries of the Tigray regional state were established as part of a federal Ethiopia, local self-determination and ethno-linguistic settlement patterns were prioritized over historical maps.
Remarkably, all language maps of the Ethiopian state sustain the current boundaries of the Tigray region. Such is the case for the map of languages of Ethiopia established by J. Spencer Trimingham, and republished by Egbert Westphal in 1975 (Fig. 2).
Trimingham and Westphal’s maps use the boundaries of the provinces as they were in the 1960s and early 1970s. The northernmost province, Eritrea, has since become an independent state. The post-1994 Tigray region encompasses the Tigrinya-speaking areas of Ethiopia.
As historical maps are a subject of research by the Ethiomap research project, with Smidt working on maps of the Ethiopian highlands and northern territories, more findings on the context of the 19th-century maps are expected.
To summarize, historical cartography demonstrates that claims of long-standing Amhara dominance over Welkait are spurious. If historical ownership arguments are to take place, they should consider the full range of evidence. Also, the settlement of territorial conflicts should especially reflect the ethno-linguistic situation both prior to 1991 and 2020.
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Main photo: “Tigre” as it was mapped in 1841 by Weiland.
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See the exhaustive dataset with all historical maps, and meta-analysis: Western Tigray in 108 historical and 21 ethno-linguistic maps (1607-2009) —
Please Read the following book your literature is unacceptable.
1.Hunting Ford,G.W.B(1989).The historical Geography of Ethiopia:From the first center AD to 1704(Vol.4) Oxford university 42.
2.Munro-Hay,S.C(1991).Aksum:An African civilization of Late Antiquity Edinburgh University press .page 221,231.
3.Wenig,S (Ed.).2006.In kaiserlichem Auftrag:Die Deutsche Aksum Expedition 1906 unter Enno Littmann. Reichert.
4.Butzer,K.W 1982 Empire, Capital and Landscape of Ancient Ethiopia.Archaeology.35(5); Page 34
5.Andersen,K.T 2000.The Queen of Habasha in Ethiopia history, tradition and chronology.Bulletin of school of oriental and African studies,63(1),31-63;page 31.
Expansionists` archaic politics of decimating nations by creating artificial boundaries (milashes: ምላሾች፡ ለምሳሌ መረብ ምላሽ) and neo-politics of asmelash (አስመላሽ) and demelash (ደመላሽ) is not going to work. only on the grave yard of nations like Tigray.
Science, history and law will only judge us; otherwise #ethniccleansing for land grab doesn`t make any human sense.
FACT 1: The expansionists and genociders have no goal but to “cleanse others and live alone“ like the eucalyptus tree which is pervasive for other trees. They hate to leave in mutual coexistence, literally.
FACT 2: Tigray was under territorial decimation since the emergence of the shoa and Amaharas. Tigary we got in EPRDF time is 20% of what it was before Menelik. They were strategic in doing that or territorial decimation to weaken ancient nations like Tigray.
FACT 3: With regards to western Tigray, it was the proper territory of Tigray during the DMT as well as Axumite times. Beyond western Tigray up to semen is mentioned in Axumite literary evidence.
FCAT 4: Cheers! Walkayt is mentioned in the Aksumite inscription as being the proper territory of the empire.
If the worst comes the question will be “who belongs to it originally?“ 100% Tigray.
CONCLUSION: አባቴ ሰርቆት ነበርና ርስቴ ነው አይባልም። የተሰረቀ ነገር መመለስ ነዉ ያለበት።
Which was stolen must be repatriated to the original owner
Mr. Jan Nyssen
You live in Belgium? Have you ever did a research what Belgium did to the Congo? Is that where you got your hateful writings on this article of you learned it from the Nazi Germany how to interfere in third world countries like Ethiopia? Were you able to see those historical facts with your bright eyes that can see small dots of rivers and borders when you get the nerve to hate the Amhara- the Amhara you never known? How come you are able to see Ethiopian history, but can’t see your own German and Belgium Nationalists’ hegemony and racism? You are sitting on it- aren’t you?
Let me start with title that is mind boggling to understand. It says;
“Unearthed evidence maps out Western Tigray dispute”
It says “maps”.
I thought it is only one map presented, is it not? Is this “Ferenji” really a physical geographer?
After I saw this map, it quickly reminds me the ethno centrist Dr. Gelawdewos Araya, the piece mouth for the fascist TPLF in the Diaspora.
I heard Dr.Gelawdewos Araya bragging on his Tigrayan media hiding behind this map talking with confidence “that this unearthed new map of Welkait will once for all rest the argument”.
When elites like this fellows became dependent on such mockery of research , you can only say “God Help!!”
In fact to my surprise, he even with no shame said “he is ready to debate with anyone on Welkait matter”. Unfortunately, he run away and refused to debate with Achamyeleh Tamiru the author of “YEWELKAIT GUDAY” when media several times asked him to debate Acham.
Please, Gelawdewos, get out of your hiding places (Tigrayan media) and be as you claimed “knowledgeable historian” and debate on it than to brag in your hiding medias.
Tigrayan “elites” bringing this nonsense map of 19 century to brag on it as if it is the only map on history to prove that Welkaite was under Tigray during the 19th century is a joke.
The FERENJ fellow who claimed found this map of 19th century map claimed he is professor of physical geography: I like to ask him “did he ever went back before this map of 19th century to see evidence of any maps in case there is any map before it to support his research all the way if Welkait was under Tigray administration, – so to prove that not even in any single classic map to show Welkait was never in Gonder/Amhara admisitration? The answer will be “no he did not”. Why? You can even see his title telling us the one map as “maps”.
Did he go all the way to Axumite era, to search the
2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17 ,18 centuries?
For example 14 century “The Book of Axum” that Antonie d’ Ababadie copied and paste on his catalog that Welkait never was under Tigray. In fact Raya (Maichew) was not even part of Tigray based on that map.
Look at ZENA MEWAEL of AXUM KING “King DEG-NAZZAN” a book found in Axum. The king never known such River called Tekeze and its surrounding (Welakiet and localities) .He was surprised for its fertility for missing such place for not familiar with it. The place he mentioned belonged “DarEngida” which is still currently found in Amhara Begemidir territory.
Tigrayan fascists, think all this new loud noisy of “Unearthed evidence maps out Western Tigray dispute” can only give them a short period of laughable euphoria.
One would hope for a healthy and intelligent debate about addressing the border grievances instead most comments wish not to think about the big elephant in the room sadly
How long are we suffering over your involvement in our situations?. No matter how much you tried to distroy Ethiopia the outcome of all your dids never achieved, its true MR. Story teller we are at war and many innocent people are killed, blood is everywhere in Ethiopia because of you and your evil lies. Why don’t you leave as alone and mind about your business? For each death God will judge you.
Where did you find the evidence. You’re trying to insert a wedge here. Even the grand son of Emperor Yohanes has said the birder of Tigray rests with the Tekezie River. AND WELQAYIT IS ON THE OTHER SIDE.
This map is the dominion of Wube Hailemariam. An Amhara lord over Tigray. He annexed Tigray from his base Semien. This is not ethnic map but his dominion.
This map was during prince of era, at that time Tigray and Hamassien was under an Amhara lordship of Semien province, Dejazmach Wube Hailemariam. This map is his administration territory including his Semien Provincial. Wube defeated Tigray lords.
Dispute should always be settled through the proper legal channels. The State Department and the EU, did nothing to stop the madness in the past 18 months causing much human suffering. This sets a bad example for the world we all inhabit…
A written statement or a map drawn by someone doesn’t make an argument any legal to begin with. Secondly, like I always keep telling my clients, who happen to be faranjs by accident, shouldn’t conclude a tale of a faranj as an absolute truth.
So, my fellow Ethiopians don’t quarrel each other by a faranj’s testimony, who knows nothing about us.
I would rather accept what an elderly Ethiopian resident of the place says about the matter, than a faranjs stand up comedy on any matter pertaining Africa in general and Ethiopia in particular.
I believe the two previous commentators did not even read the article, but are surprised that there are multiple maps that contradict their dream.
This is the conclusion of the article: “To summarize, historical cartography demonstrates that claims of long-standing Amhara dominance over Welkait are spurious. If historical ownership arguments are to take place, they should consider the full range of evidence. Also, the settlement of territorial conflicts should especially reflect the ethno-linguistic situation both prior to 1991 and 2020.”
I’m also not sure whether the map illiteracy presented in the comments is actual or fake. Both maps have hand-drawn colored lines. That was a common mapping approach in the nineteenth century. There are hyperlinks supplied, and it is quite simple to check the original maps on the internet.
Also, while interpreting a map, boundaries must be carefully examined; it is insufficient to consider merely the location of regional designations. Readers may, of course, uncover things that they do not like to hear while closely inspecting the maps.
Only one bogus map has been published so far, according to my knowledge (“The Abyssinian empire at the present time”), and that is a map that has been frequently disseminated by Amhara extremists — it is disproved here: .
To keep a long story short, I’m now collecting a database of all historical maps of Western Tigray; they depict the border between Tigray/Tigre and Amhara/Begemder/Gondar at various time steps; over time it was located at various positions between the outskirts of Gondar and the Tekeze River, with systematic patterns over the last 300 years.
The collection also includes a dozen detailed linguistic maps of northern Ethiopia, which have been published since 1903 and indicate substantial Tigrinya-speaking territories southwest of the Tekeze River up to the Sudanese border.
Starting on May 17, interested readers may google for: “Database: Western Tigray in historical and ethno-linguistic maps”.
Thank you Prof. Jan Nyssen,
Unfortunately, in Ethiopian politics, the incumbent has the undisputed/ultimate monopoly of “truth”. Hence, the resistance from Amhara expansionists (who seem to have an upper hand in the current regime’s political narrative) has to be seen as natural reaction. Also, you have uncovered a solid evidence which they will find it hard to debunk. Thus, the hightened irritation.
Finally, I would like to pass my deepest gratitude for the scientific and critical works you are doing on Tigray. It will be a vital input for positive future progresses.
Much respect,
Better to collect the data of Brussels in the time the alleged unearthed map was drawn
Belgium was nonexistent. Funny that you comment to a country/nation/identity survived co-existed for millennia. 1
Thank you distinguished professor. For you, it is clear that you are doing a very candid science. But, for us it is a lot more than science. It goes deep into our survival as people. So, thank you so much. Tigray is indebted, will have you boldly remembered in its future history and I hope you be the prestigious awardees of the greatest contributors in the struggle for survival.
Stick to your facts and scientific procedures no matter what level of pressure the expansionist Amhara will put on you. We are watching your professional contributions, we are in your side and will do our best to push you up to the prestigious historical level you deserve. Tigray is hearing you. Tigray is watching you. And one day, Tigray will have you awarded. That day, the world will celebrate you for your professional capability and siding to the truth. Thank you!
Its quiet interesting how the TPLF guy underlined Gondar blue circled Amhara, underlined Adwa Orange circled Tigre, then underlined Ankober red, started to circle Shewa, did so from Lasta to Gojjam saw Wello and stopped. ?? Here is the true maps undoctored.
Did you ask yourself why not only Wolkait, Tegede, Bahrenegash but also Semien and Lasta were included in this map as Tigray territories? Clearly both Semien and Lasta have never been considered Tigreans. Everything falls in place if you knew who Dejazmach Wubie is and how he happened to control all these territories. Dejazmach Wubie, an Amhara and hereditary ruler of Semien. He is considered as one of the most important actors the so-called Era of Princes. He first incorporated Wolkait and Tegede to his dominion in 1826 and then conquered Tigray and part of today’s Eritrea in the early 1830s after defeating Ras Sebagadis, the Tigray ruler. This map merely shows the extent of his dominion. This territorial configuration never existed before him nor endured after his demise. Therefore using this map as an historical proof that Wolkait and Tegede were part of Tigray is simply stupid.
. The whole world new who is stupid. Amhara never accept all known knows so how can you solve problems if you don’t want accept history. The only solution is historical maps with the societal background of tribe and language. What can you bring, do you want to bring fake and your fathers abuse historical written words. Ethiopian nations will never enter to your false anecdote or fictions
Amharan elites believe all of Ethiopia is their oyster. They can come up with any/every kind of narrative to justify why a certain place in any corner of Ethiopia belongs to them. The word “evidence” is unwelcomed in their vocabulary, it only irritates them & bring out their anger.
nonsense debates… if they start thinking beyond their tiny village, the whereabouts of the places don’t matter. But they and you the writer seem want to stick inside the tiny box
Manufacturing evidence after the fact is typical Woyane ideology. You took it by force and lost it by force. Now go get it instead of your crocodile tears. The so called European historians are nothing, but idiots always muddle in other people’s business presenting themselves as mighty experts. They carved up this world to something no one recognizes. If he is what he said he was. Otherwise, this is not new, another Woyane disguised as an expert.
You do not present any facts or research . What is up with you being busy on name calling? Accept the fact welqit is part of tigray. ” Nubian and Abyssinian? The book on page 79 clearly shows another fact. Check it
Does this concern you? What is the motives behind this map? we African never forget what you did in the colonial era. You leave on the expense of others. Focuse on your business or your country በሀገራችን አንድ አባባል አለ አብራ የተኛችው እያለች በቀዳዳ ያየችው አረገዘች።የናተ ነገርም እንዲሁ ነው እኔ ላርግዝላችሁ እያልከን ነው with all disrespect
You are right.
European lies.
What is stupid is telling us dejazmac wube incorporated those area and then saying there is no fact. Please read Nubian and Abyssinian, page 79 clearly shows you the facts too.