Now at the helm of national power, Oromo elites need to behave like representatives of a majority...
Author - Zola Moges
Tigrayan exceptionalism has led to the war, and is now hindering...
Tigray’s political elites’ claims of exceptionalism based on the region’s glorious history and...
Beyond toxic politics: Overcoming our societal monsters
Our discussions should move away from reacting to symptoms of our societal evils towards addressing...
Shaping Amhara nationalism for a better Ethiopia
As Amhara nationalism emerges, it should not adopt the same divisive tactics as Ethiopia’s other...
ሥር ለሰደደው የፖለቲካ ችግራችን መታከሚያ መድሐኒት ምን ይሆን?
‹‹በእያንዳንዱ ቀውስ መሐል ታላቅ ዕድል አለ›› አልበርት አይንስተይን
Viral healing for our chronic political disease?
Neither the incumbent nor the opposition can successfully manage this transition, let alone resolve...